
Thursday, 21 July 2016

Day 6: Activity 1 - New Zealand Uniform ranking By: Shanya

Ranking: #1
Why? - Because they have used the kiwis of the dresses and the men and women have the same blouse or jackets.

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2012 NZ Uniform.jpg
Ranking:  #3
Why? - Because they are all the matching colours and nothing is different between the men and women. But the design is wonderful and unique.

Image result for New Zealand Team Uniform – beijing Olympics 2008

Ranking #2
Why? - Because it has the black and white colours of New Zealand including the fern which makes it iconic.
C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Athens Olympics uniform (2004).jpg


  1. I enjoyed reading your ratings, Shanya. I liked the way that you included the original pictures in your post and provided an explanation for each rating. I happen to completely agree with you! (I actually rated the uniforms in exactly the same order that you did.)

    Speaking of uniforms, have you seen the new 2016 Rio Olympic uniforms for our New Zealand athletes? They were recently unveiled at a press conference. Please feel free to follow this link to see pictures and a video of the uniform for this year:

    What do you think of our 2016 Rio uniform? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Cheers, Rachel :)

  2. I would rate that as a #2 because you cant really tell whether it is the New Zealand team or not, because they are all different colours. I liked the design that they have used.
