
Sunday, 25 December 2016

Shanya's Bonus - My normal school day


  1. Hi Shanya!

    Merry Christmas to you and to your entire family. It is amazing to see that you made time on Christmas Day to post a blog for the Summer Learning Journey programme. Thanks so much!!

    I hope that you've had a great holiday so far and have learned a lot about Japan. I have learned quite a bit about your regular school day from reading your post. I see that you have a lesson called 'Concept breakthrough' after super silent reading in the afternoon. I've never heard of that before. Could you please tell me a little bit about it? What do you do during 'Concept breakthrough?'

    Thanks, Shanya. I'm really looking forward to logging back on tomorrow to see if you've had time to respond and explain it. I know that Mark will also be really curious to learn more about it as well!

    Rachel :)

    1. Hi Mrs Williamson!

      We mostly do some collaboration in concept, but for breakthrough it is matter on what your group is doing, like for me Shanya and Jade we were doing bottle charm making.

  2. Hi, Mrs Williamson!

    BREAKTHROUGH is when you get to do what you're good at like if You were good in gardening then you would make the gardening group and get some people into it. After that you can think of many ideas of how to improve gardening or what plants you should garden.

    CONCEPT is when the teachers uses the learner qualities and sees on what we have to improve on so they will, Make some activities and other things for us to do to be more collaborative. Like this year I think it was we were doing collaborating because we needed to work on it more so we went to mission bay to do some activities on the beach. Hope you enjoyed my explanation!

    From, Shanya

    1. Hi Shanya,

      Thank you so much for the great explanation. I feel as though I have a much better understanding of what 'Breakthrough' and 'Concept' are for learners at Stonefields school. I really love the idea of focusing on people's strengths and allowing students to explore their passions. I think that you are very lucky to go a school that is so cutting edge and unique!

      Wishing you a lovely holiday season. I am looking forward to learning more from you over the next few weeks!

      Cheers, Rachel :)

  3. I loved our collaboration unit and trip to Mission Bay, it was fantastic to see everyone working together to achieve a common goal creating your amazing sandcastles! Maybe you could add a link to one of the blog posts about the trip or bout your breakthrough project to add more information for interest.

    1. Hi Shanya and Mrs Parker,

      It would be wonderful to have a link posted to one of the blog posts about the trip and/or your breakthrough project, Shanya. Would that be possible?

      Thanks so much for encouraging us to make these links, Mrs. Parker! I hope that you and your family are having a lovely holiday period together.

      All the best for a very happy and healthy 2017.

      Rachel :)

  4. Wow that is very impressive!

    It has been super interesting reading about Breakout and Concept time! I think I'll have to investigate whether I can adapt this into my own class or not. Sounds really really cool!

    I hope you're having a great holiday, amazing that you posted on Christmas!

    Keep up the great work, Shanya,

