
Monday, 12 December 2016

Acivitie 1:

Activity 1:
Two facts about Australia:

I chose Australia because 1. I love their national colours and 2. I love there iconic animals which is Kangaroos and koalas.


  1. Hi Faith,

    I think that it's really cool that want to go to Australia. I also love the colours green and gold. In fact, I think that gold is my favourite! My mom says that I once saw a kangaroo at the zoo in Brisbane. We went there to visit my cousins.

    Keep up the great blogging,

    Aronui (Rachel's son)

  2. Gidday Faith!

    I'm Mark - a teacher working on the summer learning journey programme with Rachel! I am stoked that you chose Australia as your country (as I have already told the others) because I once lived there for 9 months! I lived on in a place called Burleigh Heads!

    I love those animals. Did you know there is a trick Australians play on tourists? They say that there is something called a "drop bear" living with the Koala's, and that if you're not careful, it will drop on your head nearly killing you! So of course, sometimes you might see some tourists walking around the bush looking up at the trees a little worried! Haha, what a funny little trick.

    I'm so glad you've joined our programme and look forward to reading more of your answers!

    Kia Kaha!

