
Tuesday, 31 January 2017

W1 Day 4 Pativai

Day 4 – Packing Up C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Children's suitcases.jpg
It’s official! You’ve chosen your country and bought your ticket. Now it’s time to pack for the big adventure! Think about where you are going and what the weather is going to be like when you arrive next week.
Activity 1
To find out more about the weather in your chosen country log onto the Accu Weather website []. Type the name of the capital city of your country into the search bar. It will tell you what the weather is going to be like in your country of choice. On your blog, provide a five day forecast for the weather in the capital city of your chosen country.

Day 1 - Tonight cloudy

Day 2 - Mostly cloudy

Day 3 - A morning flurry cloudy

Day 4 - Colder with sun then clouds

Day 5- A blend of sun and clouds

Activity 2
Before you start packing your suitcase you will want to create a list of everything that you will need to bring with you. Most airlines let you bring one big suitcase with you so you’ll have to think carefully about what you want to bring…
On your blog site, post a list of everything that you need to pack for your trip. Put a star (*) beside the 5 items that you think are the most important.

T - shirts *

Pants/Shorts *


Pillow/ neck pillow

Tooth brush

Tooth paste


Under wear*


Rubber bands x 3

Shoes / Sandals*


Dresses / nice clothes optional

Shampooo / Conditioner


Bonus Activity
Make a word poem called a ‘wordle’ using your packing list (i.e. the list of of things you are taking with you on your trip). To make a wordle you need to go to the Tagul website []. Click on the word ‘Create’ and then enter the words for all of your items into the box provided before clicking ‘Visualise.’ The website will create a wordle for you. Save the wordle and then post it on your blog.

Bonus Blog = 4 points

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