
Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Pativai's How Mummies were made ? Explimation Exlamplar

How mummies were made ?

Mrs Parkers literacy group has been working on sentance scructure. We started to highlight zig zags, AAAWWUBBIS, fanboys and complex intturupter that we could find in the text. It was sometimes easy to spot some and sometimes hard, and this is what I could find in this text.


  1. Hey Pativai, you've done a great job with your AAAWWUBBIS and Complex interrupter examples, however your zig zag and fanboys need work.
    For the zig zag you could have written: Once we got to the beach me and my cousins started to sprint to the warm sand. The sand was warm and soft when we jumped in.

    The 'sand' is the end of and beginning of the next sentence.
    As for your FANBOYS, it needs to have one of the words For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet or So.

  2. Once we got to the beach me and my cousins started to sprinted to the sand. The sand warm and soft went we jumped in.
