
Monday, 20 June 2016

Carmen's The butterfly effect

This week the Pukekos have been reading a book called the butterfly effect we had to describe the character. We also had to write the next chapter of the book.

After spraying the cocoon with two cans of fly spray the horrible pale creature dropped out.
It still looked like Mrs Anderson but as a ugly pale bug. I softly yelled “Mrs Anderson is that you?”
No answer.
After a few hours Emily called the pest control. They were late but… Mrs Anderbutterfly thing had escaped out the window but the pest control was trying to track her down.

Finally after a few days pest control found Mrs Anderbutterfly. She had changed Henry yelled quietly “ Mrs Anderson hello??” she replied “GET OUT OF MY FACE KID.” “That was really mean” Emily whispered Mrs anderson truly had changed from strict to really really mean. “Mum had got informed about this! Eventually Mrs Anderbutterfly was set free out into the wild



  1. Hey Carmen, You've used the adverb slowly to describe how she yelled, do you think you could have added any more adverbs to your chapter?
    Mrs Parker

    1. Sure I will edit my post soon
      Thanks for the feed forward

    2. Sure I will edit my post soon
      Thanks for the feed forward
