
Thursday, 10 March 2016

Carmen's Reaching Ray's Rock Postcard

WALHT: Empathize with a character in a story.
Learning Progression: Connecting - I can make connections within and across a wide-range of texts e.g. empathize with characters in situations, predict possible outcomes
Visualizing - I use keywords, and descriptive phrases to imagine characters, settings and actions in novels
Success Criteria: Empathize with the character by considering their feelings  based on the details of the text and the description of the track. Creating a reflection postcard/letter from one character to another from the text.

Reaching Ray’s Rock by Helen O’Carroll School Journal P4 N3 2005

This graph shows what Dean is feeling over time. When it goes down the first time it was because he had reached the snow line and it got very deep.When it goes down the second time he has to make a decision whether they carry on or they go back but Dean chose to carry on. When it goes up that's when Dean asked for a photo but Dad said no. The last part when it goes down is when Dean gets knocked of his feet and when it goes up for the very last time is when they made it to rays rock.

My post card

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carmen,
    Your graph clearly shows the ups and downs that Dean faced while climbing towards Ray's Rock. I like the way you've put future thought into your postcard, and have done some reflection of how Dean may have been feeling during their journey.
    Mrs Parker
